Foredragsholdere 2022

Gry Stålsett er førsteamanuensis i religionspsykologi ved MF vitenskapelig høgskole. Hun har jobbet som spesialpsykolog ved Modum Bad der hun har vært en av arkitektene bak VITA behandlingsmodell som integrerer tro og meningsdannelse i terapi.

Mickey Gjerris holds a MA in Theology and a PhD in bioethics. Since 2007 he has been associate professor in bioethics at the Department for Food and Ressource Economics at the University of Copenhagen. His research is focused on the ethical issues that arises at the intersection of humans, nature and technology and has published +50 peer reviewed papers and +10 books within the areas of animal ethics, bioethics, food ethics, climate ethics, medical ethics, etc. He is an often used epert in Danish media, has published +200 book chapters, commentaries etc. and give public talks in a range of settings.

Marion Grau er professor i Systematisk teologi og missiologi på MF Vitenskapelig Høyskole i Oslo. Hun har publisert en rekke bøker, blant annet Pilgrimage, Landscape and Identity: Mapping Sacred Geographies in Norway (2021), Rethinking Theological Hermeneutics: Hermes, Trickster, Fool (2014) og Rethinking Mission in the Postcolony: Salvation, Society, and Subversion (2011). Hun forsker på teologi og energi, oljeavhengighet og klimakrisen, klimaaktivisme og klimasorg, arktisk økologisk teologi og urfolkstradisjoner i Nordkalotten.

Matti Aikio, MA i Contemporary art fra Academy of Contemporary Art, Tromsø. Han er artist og multikunstner (lyd, foto, landart, videoinstallasjoner, mm). Han jobber med forståelsen av klima og miljøspørsmål som vi har globalt der vi ser på naturen fra et menneskelig og kulturelt perspektiv og prøver å skifte perspektiv. Hvordan forholder vi oss til tid og sted i naturen er et kjernespørsmål. Vi har misforstått eller glemt naturen der alt vi gjør er basert på at vi er løsrevet fra naturen. Urfolksperspektivet er fundamentelt forkjellig, der man forstår det mer som at naturen er ALT – hele verden.

Tatjana Schnell is professor of Psychology of Religion and Existential Psychology at MF Specialized University, Oslo and professor II at the University of Innsbruck, Austria, where she established the Existential Psychology Lab. She studied Psychology, Theology and Philosophy in Göttingen, London, Heidelberg and Cambridge/UK, earned her doctorate at Trier University and her habilitation at Innsbruck University. Tatjana works on existential issues such as meaning in life, suffering, and religious/spiritual/secular worldviews and their practical significance for individuals, organisations, society and the environment. Numerous international publications, collaborations, functions, and lectures. Latest book: “The Psychology of Meaning in Life” (Routledge, 2021)

Ivo Jirasek is a professor and a guarantor of the recreation and leisure studies at Faculty of Physical Culture, Palacký University Olomouc, the Czech Republic. He specializes in the field of experiential and outdoor education, philosophical kinanthropology (philosophy of sport) and the phenomenon of spirituality and spiritual health. The author of four books and decades of journal articles and book chapters (in both English and Czech languages), used to serve as editor-in-chief of Gymnasion, journal for experiential education and longtime an instructor and lector in the Vacation school of Lipnice – Outward Bound Czech Republic. 

David Thurfjell is professor in the history of religions and author of the book Granskogsfolk in which he explores the existential dimensions on nature in Sweden.

Thea Gregersen er stipendiat ved Senter for Klima og Energiomstilling (CET) og Institutt for samfunnspsykologi, UiB. Sammen med Gisela Böhm og Endre Tvinnereim koordinerer hun Klima-og miljøgruppen i Norsk Medborgerpanel. Fra September 2022 er hun ansatt som forsker ved NORCE.