
Livsmening og mental mestring i koronakrisen

Livsmening og mental mestring i koronakrisen er en tverrsnitts-studie der hensikten er å undersøke betydningen av mening i livet for å håndtere koronakrisen. Vi utforsker mening og meningskriser og hva slags kilder folk har til mening i livet. Dette ses i sammenheng med hvordan vi reagerer emosjonelt, hvordan vi regulerer våre følelser, samt hvordan vi forstår kronakrisen og i hvilken grad vi har tillit til sentrale myndigheter og helsetjenester.

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Evaluation and Efficacy study for using the Cultural Formulation Interview (CFI) in psychiatric clinics for children and adolescents (Bup)

The aim of the study is to test and evaluate how the Cultural Formulation Interview (CFI) from DSM-5 impacts medical communication and person-centred care between patients aged 16-18 years and clinicians (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). The aim of CFI is that the patient`s voice should be heard in such a way that it affects the treatment process. Thus, it is good reason to assume that the use of CFI will affect the areas of user involvement, differential diagnosis and planning of treatment. All of these areas will be examined in the study.. Read more…

Evaluation and Efficacy pilot study for using the Cultural Formulation Interview in Three Clinical Context Areas

Post doc project

Background: The Cultural Formulation Interview (CFI), published in DSM-5 in 2013, was developed to improve culturally-informed, medical communication and person-centered care between patients and providers. The Norwegian version was published in 2015 with funding from the Norwegian Directorate of Health and coordinated through Innlandet Hospital Trust (ROP and RPS), and the National Centre for Minority Research (NAKMI). Read more…

User participation among hospitalized older people and their relatives

The overall purpose of this project is to explore user participation among older hospitalized people and their relatives. The aims are published in three peer-reviewed articles.  Read more…

Spirituality and Severe Dementia

Spirituality is a fundamental feature of being a person. Spirituality is also a concept we tend to define cognitively. But how can spirituality be recognized and understood in the case of a person with dementia? Read more…